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Free Ahab; Kill Jezebel

To kill the Jezebel spirit, we must free Ahab.

The Ahab spirit is a stronghold that is rooted in powerlessness through things like word curses, which produces cowardice (someone who lacks bravery and courage) behavior. Being a coward renders you helpless and fearful. This spirit takes away the ability to speak up for yourself allowing people to disrespect you in countless ways by running all over you, taking advantage of you and talking to you disrespectfully.

The spirit of Ahab is a foundational spirit that is birthed out of being belittled and relegated to nothing. As a result of being dismissed and undervalued, the person struck by the Ahab spirit, unfortunately, lost their identity and power. Because Ahab does not know who he or she is, the Jezebel spirit recognizes their powerlessness immediately and ties itself to them and began pulling him or her like a “puppet on strings.” The Ahab Spirit is laced with rejection, so when the spirit of Jezebel comes along and sees the badge of rejection, she runs after him or her as a predator goes after its prey. She quickly realizes that this is an opportunity of a lifetime because the Jezebel spirit is only allowed to operate through the weak and timid soul.

Since rejection comes in many forms, people carry the spirit of Ahab and don’t even know it. The carrier does not realize that every time someone said something negative, disregarded them, or they could not safeguard themselves were seeds of rejection. These seeds of rejection are designed to steal your voice and your power and open the door to the Ahab spirit. In order for the foundational wounds of rejection to be healed and power restored to those who have been suffering from the stronghold of Ahab, the spirit must be annulated through fasting and praying:

(Addendum: this prayer is designed to deliver you or someone else from the Ahab spirit; pray accordingly)

Father in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I plead the blood of Jesus over the spirit of Ahab… Lord God, I speak to the foundation of every single soul that walks in the spirit of Ahab. I cancel the works, the fruits, the tentacles, roots, and residue of the spirit of Ahab…Intimidation, malice, word curses, spirit of control, insecurities, fear, inferiority, and all forms of rejection to go one way to the abyss and I place you under the footstool of the Father. I decree and declare that you are whole and I release and loose into your life Ephesians 3:20 that there is a power that works in you that can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you can think or ask. I decree and declare that therefore there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus and Jesus came that you may have life and that more abundantly.

I speak to the spirit of Ahab, and I say you are trespassing on God’s property and greater is in me than he that is in the world, and that not one weapon that is formed against me shall not prosper. You spirit of Ahab the word of God says, whom the Son set free is free indeed, so I sever the works of the stronghold of Ahab and every soul tie that has legally and illegal attached itself to me because of my insecurities and fears. You no longer have authority over me because I am a child of the Most High God. I serve notice on you today spirit of Ahab die and be cast into the abyss from which you came from, and I place under the footstool of the Father who is in heaven. Father by an act of my will I denounce the spirit of Ahab, and all of its works, fruits, tentacles, seeds, roots and residue in Jesus mighty Name, Amen.

The goal of the Ahab spirit is to cause you to forfeit your destiny, purpose, and call on your life and hand it over to an uncircumcised, wicked and narcissistic demon. BUT, today God says to those who are struggling with this stronghold, “You shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord; you shall assume and resume your rightful position in the Kingdom of God as well as in the earth realm.” “It is the last day that the spirit of Ahab is allowed to operate,” says the Lord. “I call you (spirit of Ahab) OUT,” says the Spirit of the Lord! “Walk in your freedom…you are truly free indeed,” says the Lord.

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